Coronavirus (Covid-19) is a large family of viruses that cause respiratory tract infections, ranging from the common cold to serious illnesses such as Middle East Respiratory Syndrome. (MERS) and Severe Acute Respiratory Syndrome (SARS). The disease is mainly spread between people through respiratory droplets from coughs and sneezes. To prevent the transmission of this disease, amade disinfectant room isas a place for student sterilization before entering thearea schooland will spray disinfectant liquid to the surface of the body which is expected to kill harmful viruses attached to the body, but in practice there is a weakness, namely the way of spraying disinfectant liquid manually carried out by teachers so that it is feared that thecan still process of transmitting the covid 19 virusoccur. IoT (Internet of Thing) is a technology that allows for control, communication, collaboration with various hardware, data through the internet network. With the use of technology IOT (Internet of Thing) in the control room disinfectant can be expected of teachers and students alike equally protected from the threat of virus transmission covid room 19. And excess disinfectant by applying IOT technology can be more flexible teachermonitor the to remotelystate of the student body temperature before sterilization with disinfectant before entering the school area, and if a student enters the disinfectant room area it is detected as having a high body temperature,can be done preventionby contacting the health service to checkcondition his health. In addition to safe student monitoring, IoT technology that is applied in the disinfectant room has the advantage of being able to control how much disinfectant liquid is sprayed and monitor theliquid disinfectantthat is still available. Based on the results of the discussion and conclusions carried out on the disinfectant booth with the application oftechnology IoT (Internet of Thing), that the disinfectant room that has been created and can be used can help schools in preventing the transmission of the covidvirus 19between students and teachers as well as the ease of monitoring the condition of students and teachers and the availability of liquid for sterilization, namely disinfectant liquid.
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