This research aims to: (1) Produce an interactive learning medium regarding object-oriented programming developed based on the criteria of material content, appearance and language, (2) Describe the implementation of application use that can be used in producing learning media in the form of more comprehensive and creative presentations. The learning media is created using the Articulate Storyline 3 application. Articulate Storyline 3 is an application for creating interactive learning media that can project images, videos, sounds, text, graphics and animations. This research uses research and development (R&D) methods. The development model used is ADDIE (Analysis, Design, Development, Implementation, Evaluation). This research resulted in an interactive learning medium regarding object-oriented programming. The learning media can be an alternative medium in obtaining learning materials for students. Media validation tests conducted by material experts and media experts obtained an average score of 77% with "very decent" criteria, as well as the results of conformity and practicality test questionnaires conducted by students obtained an average score of 74.6% answered strongly agreed, 20.7% answered in agreement, 4.6% answered disagreeing and 0% answered disapproving. About the results of the score shows that the level of trust provides good results and this interactive learning medium is very worthy of continued use.
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