• Andi Harmin STMIK Profesional Makassar
  • Rosnani . STMIK Profesional Makassar
Keywords: e-Document Application, User-centered Design, Internal Quality Assurance System


The Quality Assurance Unit of the College of Professional Informatics and Computer Management is responsible for managing the Internal Quality Assurance System documents which include policies, manuals, standards, forms and standard operating quality procedures. The budget for managing quality documents from production, making copies to distribution to each work unit reaches 20 million rupiah per year. In addition to the budget aspect, the physical maintenance activity aspect of the document is also a full concern for the Quality Assurance Unit. This problem needs a solution to reduce the budget by utilizing digital documents (e-Documents) that facilitate the management process so that the implementation of a quality culture at the College of Professional Informatics and Computer Management is in accordance with the vision, mission and goals of the university. This study uses a user-centered design method for application development, where the project is centered on competent users with quality documents. This e-Document application is designed to be able to run on a web platform using a personal computer or a mobile web that is part of the campus information system. The results of this study become a solution for quality assurance to more easily manage quality documents for all work units within the scope of the Makassar Professional Computer and Informatics Management College so that the efficiency of the document management and supervision budget is no longer an obstacle for quality assurance.


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How to Cite
A. Harmin and R. ., “APLIKASI PENGELOLAAN E-DOCUMENT SISTEM PENJAMINAN MUTU INTERNAL MENGGUNAKAN METODE USER CENTERED DESIGN”, Jurnal Informasi dan Komputer, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 164-173, Apr. 2022.