Covid-19 is one of the pandemics that is currently engulfing the world, including Indonesia as of this writing. For this reason, the government has made policies to minimize the spread of the Covid-19 virus, one of which is the use of masks. Masks are used to prevent transmission of the Covid-19 virus through splashes when coughing or sneezing between humans. Therefore, the use of masks is very important to carry out daily activities when leaving the house. In this case it is necessary to detect the use of a mask on the face to find out whether the person is wearing a mask or not. This study proposes the application of the Bag of Visual Word method in performing face mask image recognition. The samples used were 1600 samples which consisted of 1000 samples of training data and 600 samples of test data. From the results of the training obtained an accuracy rate of 94.5% and the testing process obtained an accuracy rate of 85%.
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