• Aidah Hami STMIK Bani Saleh
  • Dyah Anggraini Universitas Gunadarma


This study examines the success of the implementation or implementation of SIAKAD seen from student satisfaction as users. Respondents in this study focused on STMIK Bani Saleh undergraduate students in the Department of Informatics and Information Systems who were taking semesters 6 and 8, with a population of 448 respondents and a total sample of 168. This survey is descriptive, quantitative and uses questionnaire collection techniques in the form of observation and distributing questionnaires in order to obtain the necessary data. The instrument in this study is to measure the variables that have been determined by using the validity test and reliability test. The model used in this survey refers to the updated Delone and McLean Information System Success Model. The goal of this research on the SIAKAD project is to understand the impact of variable system quality (system quality), information quality (information quality), and service quality (service quality) on user satisfaction (user satisfaction). The results of this study indicate that the quality of the system, the quality of information and the quality of service have a positive and significant effect on the satisfaction of SIAKAD STMIK Bani Saleh users.


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How to Cite
A. Hami and D. Anggraini, “KUALITAS LAYANAN SISTEM INFORMASI AKADEMIK (SIAKAD) TERHADAP KEPUASAN MAHASISWA SEBAGAI PENGGUNA”, Jurnal Informasi dan Komputer, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 121-129, Apr. 2022.