• Sukatmi . AMIK Dian Cipta Cendikia Bandar Lampung
  • Euis Mustika Prianganti AMIK Dian Cipta Cendikia Bandar Lampung
  • Astriyanti . AMIK Dian Cipta Cendikia Bandar Lampung
Keywords: Library web-based information system, Xxtreme Programmin, Modelling, Unified Languag, PHP, MySQL


The library is a collection of books or physical building the books collected, arranged according to a particular system for the benefit of users. But the library not only to that, the library more complex to have components can be accessed and attractive to human. The college is a a means of supporting established to support the activities of academic, where college are. To maintain comfort and meet the needs of akadmika library Amik Dian Cipta Cendikia copyright should be developed into library website. based information system.

The development of information systems the library was developed with extreme programming methodology. The design of a system used is the Unified Modeling  Language (UML) in form of use case, diagram class, diagram the design input and output activity. diagram. A programming language used is PHP with. MySQL database

The end result is library web based information system .Facilities available cover the management of data member , data processing book , trnnsaksi lending and collecting fines for data processing and librarian .Students can access a collection of books and other information relating to the library .For leaders , information systems library can provides information on the collection and circulation book collection of books in order to know many required by lecturers and students


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How to Cite
S. ., E. Prianganti, and A. ., “PENGEMBANGAN SISTEM INFORMASI PERPUSTAKAAN BERBASIS WEB PADA AMIK DIAN CIPTA CENDIKIA BANDAR LAMPUNG”, Jurnal Informasi dan Komputer, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 08-14, Apr. 2022.