With the increasing activity of well work at the location of PT. Pertamina Hulu Mahakam in the Senipah Channel area of Kutai Kartanegara Regency, the role of the dock is very important as a support for sea transportation activities, so it is necessary to maintain the transportation canal route that passes in and out of the dock so that the ship does not run aground. To do this, it is necessary to analyze the calculation of the load resulting from sedimentation (silting) on the water depth (Chart Datum) and tides (Tide Table). The results of the tides on the sedimentation load formed can be concluded that when the formzahl number is greater than the previous year, the sedimentation volume will also increase. The sedimentation volume in 2017 was 78,300 m3 for formzahl number 0.506 and 2018 was 118,680 m3 for formzahl number 0.554. The difference in sedimentation volume in 2018 and 2017 is 40,380 m3. The sedimentation volume in 2019 was 82,710 m3, the formzahl number was 0.518 and in 2020 it was 104,445 m3, the formzahl number was 0.542, the difference between the sedimentation volume in 2020 and 2019 was 21,735 m3, indicating that the volume of sedimentation before dredging is always increasing in volume which can be seen from the volume reduction results. sedimentation before dredging. In this study, testing was carried out via by entering a link address and the result was that GTmetrix had a B value and 81% performance and 86% structure, meaning that the speed of web access could work well.
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