• Ida Bagus Ketut Surya Arnawa ITB STIKOM Bali


improve the quality of life. Many universities, both public and private, organize education to support improving the quality of education and the nation's competitiveness. The ITB STIKOM Bali Institute of Technology and Business is one of the private universities in the province of Bali. ITB STIKOM Bali is an IT college which in the teaching and learning process all use information technology. Of the various advantages offered by using information technology, there are shortcomings or obstacles, especially in the E-Learning system, where E-Learning has not been able to cover plagiarism in the submitted student assignment documents. Lecturers experience problems in the process of correcting student assignments which are indicated to be plagiarism. In preventing plagiarism problems, a socialization is needed about the importance of avoiding plagiarism and the laws governing plagiarism. In addition, it is also necessary to take an action to detect the occurrence of plagiarism so that these actions can be prevented. In detecting the occurrence of plagiarism in student assignments, a tool is needed that is able to match student assignments in order to determine the level of similarity in student assignments using the winnowing algorithm. The results showed that the winnowing algorithm got the best results in trials with a value of n-gram (n) = 3 and window (w) = 3.


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How to Cite
I. B. K. Arnawa, “IMPLEMENTASI ALGORITMA WINNOWING DALAM MENDETEKSI PLAGIARISME PADA TUGAS MAHASISWA”, Jurnal Informasi dan Komputer, vol. 10, no. 1, pp. 220-230, Apr. 2022.