• Cindyk Irawanto STMIK IKMI Cirebon
  • Odi Nurdiawan STMIK IKMI Cirebon
  • Gifthera Dwilestari STMIK IKMI Cirebon
Keywords: Quality of Service, Hierachical Token Bucket, Naive Bayes, Internet


In the age of globalization, problems with Internet service become a necessity for every person or every company. The role of services in Internet networks is crucial to every level of society that even the Internet has become a necessity. As a medium of information, communication, a medium of learning. So important the role of the Internet inevitably has an impact on services to ensure that the quality of the Internet is stable or down. To measure Internet service required some parameters such as delay, the jitter, the packet loss and the quality of its contents called the quality of service (qos). Then effective bandwidth is needed to optimize Internet service use. Because it requires quality analysis of the Internet service using qos (quality of service). Because the increasing number of applications used in a network will affect the quality of Internet service. To select the quality of the Internet service (quality of service) was used naive bayes's method. For the status classification of Internet services by using decision-making statistics and immobility. The datassets used from qos were created with delay parameters, jitter, packet loss by the method hierarchical bucket (HTB). The quality-service classification of service service on the Internet USES a naive bayes algorithm would be obtained with a naive bayes's method of assessment of the quality of the Internet service by a curious 93,67%.


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How to Cite
C. Irawanto, O. Nurdiawan, and G. Dwilestari, “KLASIFIKASI QUALITY OF SERVICE LAYANAN INTERNET MENGGUNAKAN ALGORITMA NAIVE BAYES”, Jurnal Informasi dan Komputer, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 47-54, Oct. 2022.