• Sri Wahyuni Universitas Panca Sakti Bekasi
  • Fariz Rizal Mubarok Universitas Panca Sakti Bekasi



In an effort to meet the demand for Human Resources (HR) from the company. LPK Prima Buana Indonesia is trying to prepare it by implementing a training program. The training carried out is of course based on company regulations and standards. However, it is uncertain the number of requests and the number of training participants, it is necessary to select training participants based on the number of requests by the company. Usually the selection process is based only on the trainees who register first. However, this does not guarantee that the training participants have met company standards and the selection tends to be done subjectively, because there is no assessment component as a benchmark for training results. So that often the occurrence of customer claims. The solution to these problems is an assessment system is made to determine the best training participants using the Profile Matching method. This method is used because it can choose the best alternative based on predetermined criteria. Based on the results of testing and data processing, the use of the Profile Matching method has proven to be quite effective and provides accurate results. The assessment system created is expected to facilitate the decision-making process in determining the best training participants. Besides, the assessment can be done quickly and accurately. So that the selected training participants are in accordance with the company's provisions and standards


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How to Cite
S. Wahyuni and F. Mubarok, “PENERAPAN METODE PROFILE MATCHING DALAM PENENTUAN PESERTA PELATIHAN TERBAIK (STUDI KASUS: LPK Prima Buana Indonesia Cabang Purwakarta)”, Jurnal Informasi dan Komputer, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 205-217, Oct. 2022.