Temperature Control Unit (TCU) is part of industrial machinery that plays an important role in the continuity of the production process. Damage to a TCU is unavoidable in the production process, thus hampering production. The need for repairs that are carried out quickly and precisely so that the production process runs smoothly. In this problem, an expert system can assist a technician in dealing with TCU damage by providing solutions and information for repairs. The forward chaining method is also called bottom-up reasoning because reasoning from facts at the lower level to conclusions at the top level is based on facts. This study aims to develop a web-based expert system to help analyze damage to the Temperature Control Unit (TCU) using advanced reasoning methods. forward chaining. This expert system is website-based, technicians can use this application by answering complaints of symptoms of damage which are then processed by the forward chaining method and the output of the repair solution will be output.
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