Penerapan Model V dalam Pengembangan Sistem Penjualan Online pada Toko Lapak Teknik Tools

  • Septi Kristin Anantasia Universitas Panca Sakti Bekasi
  • Suhermanto Suhermanto


In the 21st century, the digital world has developed very rapidly. Especially the types of transactions both in traditional markets and malls that make all transactions easy, namely the existence of an online store (E-Commerce). E-Commerce is a trade concept in the form of buying and selling procedures found on the internet. E-Commerce is a concept that describes the process of buying, selling and exchanging products, services and information through a computer network, namely the internet. Currently, E-Commerce activities in Indonesia have penetrated various types of business activities from small to large industrial scales. E-Commerce can make it easier for business actors to increase sales, making it easier to reach customers far and near. Therefore, with the increasingly rapid development in the digital world, as an entrepreneur, you must have a change in the sales system. One way to make changes to the sales system is by creating an online store to simplify the sales transaction system. The purpose of this research is to create a store that can be accessed online. The method used by researchers in this study uses the Model V method which includes product input, initial inventory, sales, order details or invoice reports, payments and ending inventory.



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How to Cite
S. Anantasia and S. Suhermanto, “Penerapan Model V dalam Pengembangan Sistem Penjualan Online pada Toko Lapak Teknik Tools”, Jurnal Informasi dan Komputer, vol. 10, no. 2, pp. 82-89, Oct. 2022.