Sistem Pendukung Keputusan Pemilihan Mobil Menggunakan Metode COPRAS
The car is a means of transportation that is often used by the community. For work, school and other activities. Many manufacturers make various types of cars with different advantages ranging from engine capacity, type of design and superior features of their products. The more diverse choices of cars offered, making consumers often confused to make a choice whether from the brand, model, type, price, engine capacity, transmission, year of manufacture and fuel capacity as well as the advantages of the car. The car selection process still uses a manual system, namely by using conventional brochures or catalog media and usually consumers make purchases only because they are interested in the latest model or appearance and facilities without being adjusted to their needs. This study aims to create a system that can be used in the selection of cars according to consumer desires and apply the COPRAS method in providing recommendations for car selection based on the criteria of brand, model, type, price, engine capacity, transmission, year of manufacture and fuel capacity. The results of the recommendations from the selection of criteria for the Honda brand and CVT transmission resulted in a recommendation for the Honda Brio. Honda Brio has the highest value because it has the lowest price where the price criterion has the highest percentage of weight.
Keywords: Car, COPRAS, Decision Support Systems
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