Penerapan Extreme Programming Dalam Penerapan Perancangan Aplikasi Web Web Food Market

  • Tumini Tumini Universitas Panca Sakti Bekasi
  • Hilman Septiana


Bonjuk launchbox cafe is a business engaged in the culinary field that still uses paper documents in the sales process or has not been computerized. In order for businesses to develop and increase, a more effective and efficient service provision system is needed in the sales process. The purpose of the research is to build a web-based application that can process food sales in a more practical, fast, accurate and reliable way. The design of this web-based sales system application is built using the concept of a data model, namely ERD (Entity Relationship Diagram), PHP and MySql with Laravel Framework, React Native programming languages for database storage and is run on the Windows 7 operating system or higher version of Windows. The final result of the design is a food market sales application with structured modeling so that the input data will be processed with a better database management system so as to provide convenience, accuracy of calculations, accuracy, speed of the reporting process and minimize errors that can occur because the new system is structured and neat.

Keywords: contains a maximum of 5 important words in the study.


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How to Cite
T. Tumini and H. Septiana, “Penerapan Extreme Programming Dalam Penerapan Perancangan Aplikasi Web Web Food Market”, Jurnal Informasi dan Komputer, vol. 9, no. 2, pp. 213-221, Oct. 2021.